Future Scenarios for EuroMed Agrifood, 15 July, 2020

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PRIMA Foundation and UfM present results from the Agrifood Survey in the light of the COVID pandemic

  • Online debate July 15: PRIMA Survey discussed with major Partners and Institutions
  • Innovation, traceability, and digitalization the drivers for the future. The risk of economic gaps


10/07/2020 – New Challenges, emerging trends, and need of transformations: PRIMA and Union for the Mediterranean promote an online debate on the future scenarios of the Euromed Agrifood, discussing the results of the survey, as well as concrete solutions and initiatives.

Innovation, traceability, and e-commerce are the key topics, which have been largely acknowledged by the survey’s interviewees as emerging trends for the future agrifood sector. Interestingly, the poll reveals that social and organizational innovation is considered even more urgent and impactful than technological innovation, which however is interpreted as a driver for the future.

Sustainability is another crucial theme that, however, it is not perceived in a consensual and convergent way. While there is a large consensus on the fact that the post-COVID scenario will induce business to maintain the focus on the transition to sustainable patterns, it is not equally clear whether consumers will give more attention to sustainably produced food, nutritious and healthy products.

This divergence might be understood in light of the risk of the exacerbated economic gap that many have underlined as a concrete risk to occur also in consumers’ choices and the agrifood sector in general. A gap, that seems to be confirmed also when looking at the role and reaction of the SMEs vis-à-vis the bigger companies. For the latter, opinions show that the risk of major financial problems could affect their business less severely.

The survey promoted by PRIMA, together with the Italian Secretariat, was meant to understand changes and new dynamics taking place in the agrifood sector and has involved the 19 PRIMA Countries’ Representatives and some experts of the region, receiving more than 180 answers, as well as additional notes further commenting and elaborating the different aspects.

“We are privileged to partnering with major Institutions, Organizations, and Initiatives to collectively promote viable solutions for a more sustainable agrifood system for the Mediterranean area” – said Angelo Riccaboni, Chair PRIMA Foundation. “We can induce positive transformations, giving concrete opportunities to farmers, innovators, researchers, and SMEs, only through stronger partnerships and interactions”.

“The ongoing crisis is impacting heavily the Mediterranean at a time when we are preparing for the 25th Anniversary since the Barcelona Declaration launched a new era for dialogue in our region. By partnering on research and innovation, we can reflect together on the future of our region and its path towards sustainable development. For this, it is key to work hand in hand with close stakeholders such as PRIMA”, said Nasser Kamel, Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean.

With divergent answers concerning the structure of international food-value chains, the role of the Mediterranean diet and the future local production, the debate will be of utmost interest, considering the presence of leading institutions in the sector, such as the European Commission and FAO, joint Research and Innovation Initiatives, such as EIT Food and FACCE JPI, experts from different fields and areas.

The online debate on July 15 (17.30 CET) represents an additional step to detect and promote concrete solutions so to make real the Agenda 2030 as well as the newly designed European Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy, in relation to sustainability, transformative innovation, and adaptation to climate change. This is even more necessary and relevant for our Mediterranean region.


The debate will be hosted on Zoom in English, with simultaneous translation in the Arabic language. Live streaming on the Italian Secretariat of PRIMA social media channel. To register and find out more http://www.primaitaly.it/future-scenarios-for-euromed-agrifood/